Friday, 13 May 2011
Thursday, 17 March 2011
Preliminary Task
Centre Number - 17539
Candidate Number - 7131
In the preliminary task we have shown our understanding of the 180 degree rule, match on action and shot/reverse shot.
Candidate Number - 7131
In the preliminary task we have shown our understanding of the 180 degree rule, match on action and shot/reverse shot.
Tuesday, 15 March 2011
Production Log
This production log is to show my progress throughout my filming and to show if I kept to my time management scedule. If I dont I will list it in my production log.
Monday 21st March - Uploaded pictures for character profiles
Thursday 17th March - Uploaded finished preliminary task and story boards to blog
Wednesday 16th March - Edited Premilinary
Tuesday 15th March - Filmed preliminary
Thursday 10th March - Uploaded ideas for titling on final piece
Monday 7th February - Uploaded shooting script
Wednesday 26th January - Uploaded location recce
Monday 21st March - Uploaded pictures for character profiles
Thursday 17th March - Uploaded finished preliminary task and story boards to blog
Wednesday 16th March - Edited Premilinary
Tuesday 15th March - Filmed preliminary
Thursday 10th March - Uploaded ideas for titling on final piece
Monday 7th February - Uploaded shooting script
Wednesday 26th January - Uploaded location recce
Deadlines for 2011
March 18th - Deadline for preliminary task
March 28th - Rushes presentation to class
April 15th - First deadline for final piece
May 2nd - Final Deadline for evaluation
March 28th - Rushes presentation to class
April 15th - First deadline for final piece
May 2nd - Final Deadline for evaluation
Thursday, 10 March 2011
Font: Latha
Size: 28After looking at other film titling from the same genre I noticed that large font is used. I think this is because many of these films are aimed at a young audience and so the titling needs to be big, simple and straight to the point. Teenagers for example, will not pay any attention to the titling if it is small and there is loads of writing, they will have no interest in reading it.
I wanted to use colours on the main title so that it draws in the viewer. The reason i have chosen the colours red and green is because I associate those colours with the words 'right' and 'wrong', however I have switched the colours so that the colour i associate right with;green, is actually the colour of the word 'wrong'. And the same for the colour red. This is because I think it ties in well with the storyline of the boy being confused about what is right and wrong in his eyes and in his peers opinion.
Friday, 18 February 2011
Monday, 7 February 2011
Development of Planning & Shooting Script
Plot: The plot of our film is the conventional 'boy meets girl' storyline. However the usual girl falls for boy is not what we are planning. We will have an outcast girl who's prettyness is disguised by glasses and odd clothes. Her quiet nature allows her to blend into the background and to go unoticed. When she comes to a new school she is noticed by one person; the popular cool kid. When he falls for her he has to decide if he will go against what his friends and peers think or if he will conform to what is seen as acceptable in their teenage society.
Characters: We have chosen to be unconventional in our choice of how characters will be ued. The plot of our film is that there will be 2 main characters one boy (Charlie) and one girl (Mia)
Charlie Davis - Popular, good looking, from a well off family, rebellious 'bad boy' at school. Played by Liam Henderson.
Beth Cooper - New girl in school, outcast, disguised prettyness, individual, no/few friends. Played by Cerys Robertson.
Charlie will be wearing dark jeans, white v-neck top with a leather jacket, cross body bag, vans.
The reason we have chosen this outfit for him is because this is a very typical fashion trend for young teenagers. We have stuck to black and white clothign and accessories in order to show that this character is not fussy, simple and easy going.
Mia will wear denim shorts, a baggy vest/t-shirt, knitted cardigan, cross body bag, biker boots, grey socks. The reason we have chosen this outfit is because it is very mix and match, funky and unique which is how we want our main girl to come across. As she is the new girl at school we want her to stand out like any new person would at school. Also all teenagers know who at their school is considered as odd and this is who we want this girl to represent.
Set: The majority of our filming will be done in Nicholas Breakspear school. We will use corridors for most scenes and we will record classroom noise to use as diegetic background noise so that music will not have to be used all the time.
Prop List: cigarette's, badges, books/folders, football.
Music: As our chosen genre is 'British Film' we want to stick to predominantley British bands and artists we will use are:
Paloma Faith - Stargtazer
Paolo Nutini - Jenny Don't be Hasty (Instrumental)
Lighting: We will try to use natural lighting as much as we can in filming as it is conventional of our chosen genre. However, some lighting in corridors may need to be artificial so that we can see all the features and details of charachters, porps, costume etc. We will use lamps and tourches in order to get the correct lighting that we want
Wednesday, 26 January 2011
Location Recce
Location: The location we have decided to film our final piece is a house in London Colney, on Peters Avenue. Also a driveway on Coombes Road. We have decided to do the majority of our filming in London Colney due to the quiet roads. Also there are many alley ways, parks and fields that we could use if needed for optional scenes.

Health & Safety
- Pedestrians - we would deal with this by sectioning off where we will use on the path so people will walk around our filming area. When filming in school we will use empty corridors when people are in lessons and we will bring along our own extras to be in the corridor so that everyone knows what they are supposed to be doing.
- Cars/Traffic - as it is a driveway people will not be able to park on the path infront of it. If traffic occurs we will have to be extra careful when walking around. However the roads we have chosen to do our filming in are not very crowded/popular places so therefore should be relatively quiet.
- Animals - we would deal with this by sectioning off the path so people will know to walk around it. We would also stop filming immidiately if any animals such as dogs are near.
- Neighbours - so they do not think we are causing trouble we will inform the neighbours that we are doing some filming for our AS Media project.
- Tripods - we will ensure that they are securely stable to avoid any accidents while filming
- Wires/Extension Leads - we would gaffer tape any wires to the floor so accidents can be avoided and it will be clear where the wires have been placed whilst filming.
- How we will get there - As me and chiara live so close we will walk to film at eachothers houses, Cerys will drive to London Colney which will take 15 - 20 minutes
Location: Another location we have chosen to film in is Nicholas Breakspear School. We have chosen this place because we are here 5 days of the week and so will have a lot of time to film.
- Crowded School Corridors - When filming in school we will use empty corridors when people are in lessons and we will bring along our own extras to be in the corridor so that everyone knows what they are supposed to be doing.
- Cars/Traffic - As we will not be doing any filming outside of school we will not have to worry about cars or traffic.
- Wires/Extension Leads - we would gaffer tape any wires to the floor so accidents can be avoided and it will be clear where the wires have been placed whilst filming.
- How we will get there - We will drive to school on school days and if we need to stay after school we will get the bus home which costs £1.75 to London Colney and £2.50 to Hatfield
Secondary Research - Analysis of British Film
The genre I have chosen to base my 2 minute film opening on is "British Film."
I have picked it because I feel it is a genre I am familiar with. I also think that with the equipment that is available it will be possible to create a good final piece doing British Film.
Conventions of 'British Film' genre
- Close-ups often used
- Natural Lighting used
- Main character often does voice over
- Mostly set in urban areas of Britain
- Evoke emotions from the audience (sadness, happiness, laughter etc)
- Shot transitions are mostly cuts
Music is generally by British artists or bands
British Film Analysis
Bend it like Beckham - This film is about an Indian girl called Jess who is determined to become a professional footballer even though her strict parents do not support her. After ignoring what her parents told her she goes and starts playing for a womens team where she meets another aspiring female footballer, from a British family, called Jules. Both girls fall for their coach and come to blows over him. The films follows them through the lies, rows and their fight to make it to the top in womens football.
Camera angles/shots - there are a limited amount of camera angles in the opening of this film. We are first shown a wide angle shot of a football pitch and a packed out stadium.This helps the audience to establish the location. There are then close up shots of 3 different well known man-united players. The match is in full swing and the camera is following the ball which is headered into the net by 'Jess'. We are shown close-ups of the audience cheering and celebrating showing that this woman footballer is very much liked and accepted. We are shown high angle close-up shots of Jess celebrating with the other players, however the mixed sex team indicates to the audience that this is not 'real life'.
Mise-en-scene - In the opening scene the clothing which is a red shit and shorts, as well as the prop of a ball help us establishwhere the scene is set, at a football match. Also the use of logo's for example the man-united badge show that this is a professional match. The use of traditional Indian clothing on Jess' mother show the viewer where Jess has come from and what her heritage is. Also the scene where we see Jess in her room the large posters covering her walls and ceiling give the audience an insight into what she likes and what she is interested in.
Lighting - The scene where the football match is being played there is use of natural lighting which is conventional of this type of genre. Artificial lighting is used in the studio scene. This is necessary as they are supposedly on telly which always uses artificial lighting. Natural lighting is also used in the scene in Jess' bedroom making the mise-en-scene more realistic.
Representation - The opening scene represents the mixed football team as acceptable. When the main character Jess scored a goal the crowd showing that she is welcomed into the sport and has many fans. When the scene cuts to the studio where Jess' mother is we see her mother represented as a stero-typical asian mother. She is dressed in a saree with her hair covered and is scrutinising the game and her daughter. Her mother represents where Jess has come from and what her heritage is. This is trying to represent what this Indian mother expects from her daughter, to stay at home and settle down. The use of showing two different generations from one family show how each generation differs from each other and their contrasting beliefs and expectations.
Audience - This film would be mainly targeted at a prodiminantly female audience aged 15-25. This is because women are very rarely seen playing football professionally and it is an extremely hard sport to get into if you are female. However the title 'Bend it like Beckham' would interest a male audience as it includes one of the most famous footballers, David Beckham.
Ideology - The ideologies that director Gurinder Chadha wants to project to the audience is that no matter what you want to do in life there will probably be someone there trying to bring you down and tell you that you cant achieve it. However this film shows that even if you are not supported by everyone and that even if not everyone believes in you as long as you are passionate about what you want to do you will reach your goal.
Institution - Fox Searchlight Pictures are the distributors of 'Bend it like Beckham'. The films gross revenue was £50 million.
Angus Thongs and Perfect Snogging - This film is about an average 14 year old girl called Georgia who is struggling with the everyday teenage issues; hair, make-up and most importantly... boys! When 2 brothers move to her school, her and her friend set their eyes on them and make a plan to finally have their first boyfriend. However one person that stands in Georgias way is the beautiful, populay but nasty Lindsay. In the end Robbie (Georgia's love interest) see's who the right girl is for him and declares his love for Georgia at her 15th birthday party. This is a clip from the opening of "Angus Thongs and Perfect Snogging"

Camera angles/shots - In the first scene the use of a wide angle shot of the car and Georgia going down a street helps us to establish the location. At the party the use of shot-reverse shot shows the exchange of dialogue between Georgia and her 3 best friends. When Georgia is running home from the party the use of a high angle shot shows us where she lives showing us scenery of a pier. The tracking shot of Georgia as she is running makes the audience feel the rush and the urge she has to get away and makes us feel more involved in the action.
Mise-en-scene - The houses in the background of the first scene as well as the car moving slowly helps the audience to establish the location. The costume used in the party scene makes it clear that is is a fancy dress party and the fact the party is in a house suggests these people are all under the ages of 18. The use of diegetic sounds of sea gulls also helps us to establish the location which is clear it is by the sea.
Lighting - In the opening scene the lighting in the car is dull and shaded over the Dad. The lighting on Georgia is sunny on the front but shaded on the back. This could suggest that she is still being protected by her Dad and is trying to break away from him and try to grow up a little, but the fact her back half is still shaded suggests she is still not fully independant yet. At the party scene natural lighting is used which is typical of this film genre. However the natural lighting is not typical of a 'party'. You would expect it to be dark, but the natural lighting shows that this is a party for young people under the age of 18. Also the way Georgia's eyes are shaded suggests she is hiding who she really is or doesnt actually know herself yet.
Representation - The opening scene represents a stereo-typical relationship between teenagers and their parents as well as the relationship a dad and daughter have. Georgia feels like she is old enough to walk to the party alone but her dad feels the need to protect her and make sure that she gets there ok so insists to drive next to her in his car. At the party again there is the stereo-typical teenage party. The popular girl has to look the best and is surrounded by people.
Audience - This film would be targeted at young females aged 13 - 19. This is because it focuses on issues that all girls will eventually have to deal with while growing up and it shows the funny side of them. This also helps girls understand how to deal with certain kinds of relationships, whether its a relationship with a friend, partner or even your parents. It shows the transition from child to young adult.
Ideology - The ideologies that director Gurinder Chadha is trying to project to the audience is that although at the time all the things you will go through as a girl in your teens may seem like the end of the world, for example not liking what you look like e.g. your features or your body, boyfriends who treat you good or bad, eventually you will realise what is truley important to you and you will be happy and content with what you do have instead of focusing on what you dont have.
Institution - Paramount Pictures are the distributors of 'Angus Thongs and Perfect Snogging'. The film has earned $14,924,919 which includes $10.6 million from the UK alone.
Camera angles/shots - The opening scene fades in, the camera uses medium and cloe up shots of peoples faces to show expressions which are mostly if not all of them are happiness. It also makes viewing more intimate and close for the viewer.
Mise-en-scene - The first scene shows crowds of people, the use of costume such as back packs sugggests that these people are either going somewhere or coming back from somewhere. There is also gate numbers shown, all of these things help the viewer to establigh the location which in this case is an airport. All the people are greeting eachother by hugging or kissins suggesting that they have been away from eachother for a while. The slow non-diegetic music creates a sense of calm and happiness.
Representation - The first scene has a voice over which we assume is by the main character (Hugh Grant). The whole first scene represents the love we have for our husbands, wives, boyfriends, girlfriends, old friends, sons, daughters. The pure happiness and love shared when people finally meet again after being parted. It shows how "absence makes the heart grow fonder."
Audience - This film would be targeted at young adults aged 16 - 30. This is also shown in the titling, the font is quite large and there is very little writing, not much detail. This is because people of a young age do not have any interest in reading and most probably will not take any notice of the titling if there is too much. Also the use of the colour red will grab the attention of the viewer.
Ideology - The idologies that director Richard Curtis is trying to project to the audience is a very realistic outlook on life. It shows how things are not perfect in life and you cannot be happy all the time. It also shows different things that could potentioally happen in life and gives you a way of how you could deal with them. For example loss of a parent, crush on school friends and the temptations to have an affair.
Institution - Universal pictures are the distributors of 'Love Actually'. It grossed $62,671,632 in the United Kingdom, $13,956,093 in Australia and $59,472,278 in the US and Canada. It took a worldwide total of $247,472,278.
Primary Research - Analysis of Questionnaire
My questionnaire consisted of 10 questions and was asked to 16 people. Below I have analysed 2 questions from my questionnaire that I thought were important in order for me to establish who my primary target audience were and also what they expect from the opening of a British Film. By doing this I will be able to ensure that as many of these things are included in my final piece as possible.
This pie chart was based on the question
'How old are you?'. It shows that the most popular
age group is 15 - 20 (10 out of the 16 participants were in this age range). This is followed by 51 - 60 (3 out of the 16 participants were in this age range.)
This chart shows that my target audience will be young teenagers to people in their late teens/early 20's.

Limitations of Questionnaire
The main limitation of my questionnaire is that it was only asked to 16 people. This is not a very large sample and therefore does not represent each age range properly. Also the majority of people that were asked fell into the 15-20 age range. If I was to re-do my questionnaire I would ask a larger sample of people and ensure that i had an equal amount of people from each age range.
Tuesday, 25 January 2011
January Calendar - Time Management
This is my calendar to help with my time management. This will ensure that the process towards making my final product will hopefully be organsied and have no major problems.
Monday, 10 January 2011
Examples of British Film & Directors
Examples of British Film
- Atonement - Drama/Romance/Historical
- This is England - Crime/Drama
- Bend It Like Beckham - Romantic/Comedy
- Green Street - Drama
- Love Actually - Romantic/Comedy
- East is East - Comedy
- Bridget Jones's Diary - Comedy
- Harry Potter - Fantasy
- The Full Monty - Comedy
- Angus Thongs and Perfect Snogging - Romantic/Comedy
- Four Weddings and a Funeral - Comedy/Drama
- Mama Mia! - Musical
- Notting Hill - Romance
- Wimbledon - Sports
- Shaun of the Dead - Horror/Comedy
- The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas - Historical/Fiction
- Rock'n'Rolla - Crime Drama
- The Queen - Drama
- Adulthood - Drama
Directors: Some well known British Film directors include...
Danny Boyle
Daniel a.k.a Danny Boyle was born on October 20th 1956. He is an English film maker and producer. He is best known for his work on films such as Trainspotting, 28 Days Later and Slumdog Millionaire. For Slumdog Millionaire Boyle won numerous awards including the 'Academy Award for Best Director.' Boyle was also presented with the 'Extraordinary Contribution to Filmmaking Award'
at the 2008 Austin Film Festival.
Gurinder Chadha
at the 2008 Austin Film Festival.

Gurinder Chadha was bon on January 10th 1960. She is a British Film director. She is best known for her work on films such as Bend it Like Beckham, Bride and Prejudice and Angus Thongs and Perfect Snogging. Chadha has won awards including an 'Order of The British Empire' (OBE) for her service to the British Film Industry.
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